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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Spyker Exotic Cars at the LA Auto Show

Before the LA Auto Show I wasn’t familiar with Spyker and its line of exotic sports cars, but boy am I familiar now. Spyker was nestled in between Bentley, Lamborghini and Aston Martin at the show and I found Spyker’s rides to be more appealing than many of the others on display.

Some of the Spyker cars had a weird rear end that I didn’t care for that was very large and rounded. To my eyes, it didn't fit in too well with the angular, sculpted lines on the other parts of the car.

One of the Spyker concept

reminded me of the Batmobile from the original 60’s Bat Man show. These cars aren’t practical, but man were they cool looking. You can see from the tiny trunk you won’t be driving on vacation in the beast with more than a swimsuit and a small duffle bag.

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